Shade has always been an enterprising person. She desires to be independent and meet her needs without asking for favours from others. Shade began earning while assisting her mom at her milling business. Shade also sold recharge cards while studying at the University before she was employed.
Shade joined Jos Green Centre because she was fascinated by the group of people who made up the Centre and she is driven to make a positive difference in her community.
Shade believes that, “A tree can't make a forest but together with like minds, newness can be achieved in the midst of the decadence surrounding us.”
Shade desires to be able to venture into making more money without fear of loss under God's blessings. This will help her be a blessing to others which is her uttermost desire.
She plans to run animal husbandry in her compound starting with goats and noiler birds. This is because both goats and noiler birds are easy to manage organically. She will construct a semi-life fence within her space to restrain the animals from straying away from her compound. She will also construct an inn for them to rest at night.
She plans to use the grasses around in her compound to feed them which will be supplemented with feeds to provide them with a balanced diet. And there are already existing markets for goats and birds to make supplies to
With the course, I plan to inculcate these skills by trying out my hands to grow fruit trees for sale, therefore, contributing to the reduction of adverse climate conditions in the immediate environment whilst providing a source of livelihood in the sale of the fruits and promotion of healthy living in the consumption of these products.